Showing posts with the label Inspiration

Attracted to Bad News? Then You May Not Read This Because...

Attracted to Bad News? Then You May Not Read This Because... The World Is Getting Better I’m not judging, I do the same thing. Being attracted to negative news is ingrained into the psyche. Biologic…

The Psychology of Positively Impacting Those Around Us

It’s fairly normal to grow glum during the winter months or feel stressed and anxious about everything there is to do. Many people suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD) when there is less day…

From Darkness To Light — Integrating the Shadow Within

Much of the work I am focusing my attention on at the moment is about integrating the shadow. What does it mean to integrate the shadow? And what is the shadow? by Louisa Healing The shadow is anythi…

Kind Living: Tiny Houses Take Over the World

With less square footage, less wasted space, less expensive heating/ cooling bills and less impact on the environment, tiny houses are becoming a popular alternative to large, more expensive traditio…

7 Things That Happen When You Stop Eating Meat

People go plant-based for lots of reasons. These include losing weight, feeling more energetic, reducing the risk of heart disease, decreasing the number of pills they take… there are dozens of great…

Villagers Knit Jumpers for Indian Elephants to Protect Them From Near-freezing Temperatures

Local women make colourful jumpers for formerly abused animals after staff at conservation centre warn of temperatures dipping close to freezing point By May Bulman, Elephants in In…

6 Things I've Learned From 1 Year (And Counting) Without Alcohol

I’ve been sober for 13 months, and let me tell you — that is something that I never thought possible for myself. I never imagined I would or could give up alcohol entirely, and I never would have had…

9 Mind Expanding Health Documentaries That Really Let You Know What’s Going On With Big Food

Over the past decade or so, there has been a radical shift in regards to the focus we put on our health and what it truly means to be healthy. We now know, without a doubt, that our diet, lifestyle a…

These People Are Preparing For The Day When Money Will Be Meaningless

The Venus Project supporters envision a world of abundance where automation eliminates almost all jobs and all citizen’s needs are free. You can call them dreamers or socialists, but you should also…

I Stopped Eating Meat for the Animals, But Was Thrilled When Excess Weight and Health Issues Also Disappeared

I was in pretty good shape as a teenager, but once I hit adulthood, my pants size exploded.  After high school, I spent most of my life glued to a chair, whether I was in college, at my IT job, or in…

What is Carnism? The Psychology of Eating Animals

On a recent flight on my way to present my slideshow on carnism, I struck up a conversation with the woman sitting next to me, a conversation that was not terribly different from many of my in-flight…

A Meatless Town in California Made Turning 100 No Big Deal

Pastor Bill Elder turned 101 years old this month and is finally starting to take it easy -- though it wasn't exactly by choice.  The centenarian recently broke his right hip and opted out of hav…

A Lucid Dream Of Our New Earth

I had heard about the New Earth in passing. To me, I understood it to be a concept having to do with our current evolution.  In the past few years alone, we’ve been experiencing accelerated awakening…

Awakening from the Cult of Ignorance

“We were born to be free… to build things and grow our own food, develop our skills and be creative, not to lose ourselves in shopping, technology and mindless consumption. We are here to love and pr…

10 Inspirational Sentences that Can Change Your Life

The power of a sentence is tremendous. A single destructive sentence can ruin somebody’s life, make your day, or change your mood. Fortunately, there are some sentences that can give us power to go o…

7 Indicators to Show That We Are Living in the Craziest — But Most Extraordinary — Times in History

“Fifty years is ample time in which to change a world and its people almost beyond recognition. All that is required for the task are a sound knowledge of social engineering, a clear sight of the int…

Why Time Seems to Speed Up and How to Slow it Down

I’m six years old, in the car with my parents and brother, travelling back from our annual two week holiday in Conwy, North Wales. It’s dark and the journey seems to take forever. I lie in the back s…

Parenting an Indigo Child from an Indigo's Point of View

WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT A 15 YEAR-OLD INDIGO would be writing an article on parenting? Well, not me, that’s for sure! If you think about it though, it makes a lot of sense. Before we came here, we cho…

9 Lessons for Living Longer From the People Who’ve Lived the Longest

How to Live to Be 100+ We all inhabit this beautiful blue planet, breathe the same air, eat food grown on our world’s surface and drink fresh water sourced from the Earth, yet some people are a whole…

How The CIA Used Feminism To Destabilize Society

"In the 1960´s, the elite media invented second-wave feminism as part of the elite agenda to dismantle civilization and create a New World Order ." Since writing these words last week, I ha…
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