Showing posts with the label Security

How hackers can steal your information on public Wi-Fi

You enjoy “free internet” through Wi-Fi hotspots libraries, coffee shops, at bars, and other public places. It seems harmless. Little do you know, a stranger could know your birthplace, the schools …

On CFIUS Dissuading Jack Ma's MoneyGram Purchase

Is this ant a PRC Communist apparatchik? The CFIUS apparently thinks so. There is a long history of Chinese companies being prevented from purchasing American firms on highly questionable "natio…

Alibaba Buying MoneyGram: US Protectionism Revisited

The use of "national security" grounds to discourage Chinese investment in the United States has been a recurrent issue for would-be PRC FDI in the US. Especially now in the age of Trump wh…

Philippines' Duterte: Killer of Druggies...& Foreign Investment

Damage control surpasses the realm of art into science when the person whose offensiveness you're trying to contain is the Philippine President Rodrigo "Digong" Duterte. Despite the woe…

Do Saudis Dump '$750B' After US 9/11 Bill Passes?

Saudi Arabia vowed to slash '$750 billion' worth of US assets if 9/11 victims' families were allowed to sue it. We'll see. Back to the realm of geopolitics: Earlier this year, Saudi A…

AREA 51: Family Arrested at Gunpoint | VIDEO

A recently posted video shows a family being held at gunpoint after crossing the warning signs. Guards quickly swooped in seconds after they drove onto the grounds of the “secret” high security…

Will the Paris-Dakar Rally Ever Return to Africa?

What's the 'Paris-Dakar Rally' doing in Bolivia, of all places? Ask winner Toby Price (AUS). It may strike you as false advertising, but the world-famous test of endurance known as the Pa…

Like Clockwork, Russia Cuts Gas to Ukraine in Winter

There are certainties in life that mark the turn of seasons: Cherry blossom season begins in Japan as March gives way to April. Oktoberfest begins in mid-September in Germany. Meanwhile, in Eastern E…

Re: Russian Jet, Tell Turkey Trade Brings Peace

Does shooting down your second-largest trading partner's jet affect trade? I guess we'll find out soon. There's a longstanding idea among proponents of capitalism that commerce between na…

French-Built Warships for Russia: Sold to Egypt

From scaring Russia's neighbors to fighting ISIS: a new role for the star-crossed Mistral-class warships. I almost forgot to post about the continued travails of warships originally built by Fr…

Techno-Slander: Philippines Bans PRC Voting Machines

Would the PRC have rigged voting machines sold to the Philippines? We won't know now. Back when the United States had a much larger share of the world economy, every other conspiracy theory had t…

Prolly Dead: PRC's $23B Bid for US Micron Technology

China out! Keeping Micron Technology "safe" from the Reds. It is no real mystery as to why the Chinese remain keen on buying American technology firms. Having mixed success in product upgra…

Absolutely Banzai Stock Picks in Japan's Remilitarization

Rock you like a hurricane: Japan's defense stocks are soaring with the nation's security ambitions. Aside from easy money policies, Shinzo Abe's second time around as Japan's prime mi…

Investment Roadshow: 'Fight ISIS, Buy Kurdistan Bonds'

Invest in the peshmerga , the brave fighters of ISIS--buy Kurdistan bonds. Among more adventurous "investments" I've covered in the recent past, Ukraine bonds are among the choice picks…

Will Obama Boycott (Now PRC-Owned) Waldorf-Astoria?

Reds' listening devices under the bed at the now Chinese-owned New York Waldorf-Astoria? One of the best-known hotels in the world is the Waldorf-Astoria in New York. Its fame stems from world le…
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