Showing posts with the label Science

Africa Roundup: African startup investments turn to fintech this winter season

After report on ‘appalling’ conditions, Foxconn will investigate plant that makes Amazon devices

Here’s what Bethesda announced at E3 2018

Keegan-Michael Key plays Skyrim on an Echo, pager and fridge

Wolfenstein and Doom get sequels at E3

Here’s what Microsoft announced at E3 2018

Microsoft acquires a whole bunch of game studios

Microsoft announces ‘Halo Infinite’

Korean crypto exchange Coinrail loses over $40M in tokens following a hack

Google’s Family Link software now recommends ‘teacher-approved’ apps

Everything Nintendo announced at E3 2018

Iron-Rich Rocks are Best Place to Seek Fossil Evidence of Martian Life, Scientists Say

Is Pluto ‘an Agglomeration of a Billion Comets’?

NASA’s InSight Spacecraft Makes Its First Course Correction toward Mars

NASA’s MarCO-B CubeSat Captures Earth-Moon Image

Domestic Donkeys May Have Worn Bits As Early As 5,000 Years Ago

Megachirella wachtleri: World’s Oldest Squamate Fossil Found

Paleontologists Find Fossil of Smallest Spinosaurus

Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Impact Devastated Forests, Wiped Out Tree-Dwelling Birds

Paleontologists Find Fossilized Dandruff of Feathered Dinosaurs

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