
UFO as Big as a Football Field

UFO as Big as a Football Field November 2015

     An Indiana witness at Anderson recalled a UFO event from 2015 where the object was “as big as a football field” and just 300 feet overhead, according to testimony in Case 82148 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was walking home after a third shift in November 2015 when the incident occurred.

“No cars were out,” the witness stated.“Just me walking down the middle of a major road.”

By Roger Marsh

The witness saw the UFO out of the corner of his eye.

“I turned to the right and saw the huge, stretched, diamond-shaped spaceship. It had orange lights on all sides of it. It was just floating in a straight line heading east. No noise, no fumes. It was massive. Floating 200 feet above me.”
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