Showing posts with the label 2015

Third Government UFO Video Released | VIDEO

Tweet      GO FAST is the third of three official USG videos selected for release after official review by multiple government organizations. While To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science was t…

The Military Keeps Encountering UFOs – Why Doesn’t the Pentagon Care? | VIDEO

Tweet We have no idea what’s behind these weird incidents because we’re not investigating.      In December, the Defense Department declassified two videos documenting encounters between U.S. Navy…

Cigar-Shaped UFO In The Neighborhood – MY UFO EXPERIENCE

I was on my back porch smoking a cigar in Haverhill, Ma. It was August 10, 2015 at 10: 00 pm. this long dark elongated object, with illuminated nose went across the back of my house. My …

UFO as Big as a Football Field

An Indiana witness at Anderson recalled a UFO event from 2015 where the object was “as big as a football field” and just 300 feet overhead, according to testimony in Case 82148 from the Mutual …

Trump UFO Explained

A witness at the Iowa State Fair snapped a photo of the candidate’s helicopter with something suspicious apparently following along.      Two months after Donald J. Trump announced he was running f…

UFO Data Reveals Unexplained Alien Sightings | VIDEO

A pair of orange fireballs streaking across the dark horizon. A mysterious object crashing into Lake Winnipeg. A nighttime visit from a “being with blonde hair and blue skin.” These are among 1…

Quebec Leads The Country in UFO Sightings | CANADA

WINNIPEG - The 2015 Canadian UFO Survey says Quebec leads the country when it comes to sightings of unidentified flying objects. The annual survey by Winnipeg-based Ufology Research was release…

UFOs Caught on Video Over Ohio

An Ohio witness at West Carrollton reported watching and videotaping two spinning UFOs with a gem shape that appeared to move in formation, according to testimony in Case 72295 from the Mutual…

UFO Spotted Flying Over Newmains

A NEWMAINS man recorded an apparent UFO sighting last year. Eric Cunningham posted in December 2015 that an unidentified flying object which was black underneath,and reflected a grey/blueish c…

UFO Now Believed to be H2O

CLANCY — What at one time was believed to be a UFO has turned out to likely be H2O, a Clancy resident says. On Nov. 4, motion detector cameras set up on the back upstairs balcony of Dr. Richar…

UFO Captured? Clancy Man Believes He Proves They Exist

By Phil Drake 12-23-15      CLANCY— For nearly two years Dr. Richard O’Connor has kept two cameras pointed at the sky with the deep hope and belief that something might be…

UFO Photographed Over Oregon Neighborhood

Tweet By Roger Marsh 11-4-15      An Oregon witness at Eugene reported watching and photographing a dark sphere UFO just above the tree line on an adjacent property, according to tes…

Rectangle UFO Reported Near Ground-Level on Wyoming Property

By Roger Marsh 11-3-15       A Wyoming witness at Riverton reported seeing a bright blue flash followed by a blue-colored, rectangular-shaped UFO near the ground level on his property…

Hovering UFO Encountered by Delaware Motorist

By Roger Marsh 10-28-15      A Delaware witness at Sandtown reported watching a low flying, boomerang-shaped UFO that gave off a humming sound, according to testimony in Case 71217 fr…

Stan Romanek Alleges a Space Organization Was Putting ‘Disgusting Things’ On His Computer

Judge Denies Defense Request in Romanek Case By Jack Brewer 10-5-15      Stanley Romanek appeared in court Monday morning for a motions hearing. The Loveland, Colo., self-p…

UPDATE: Judge Denies Romanek Defense's Request | UFO NEWS

By Dana Rieck 10-5-15 Criminal allegations against the Loveland detective Brian Koopman will not be used during his testimony in a separate [Stan Romanek] case      [...] He […
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