Showing posts with the label November

Nationwide Radar Network is Alerted To Watch for UFO | UFO CHRONICLE – 1957

Tweet      The Air Force Alerted its nation-wide radar network today to watch for a "brilliant mystery object" that has been reported flying in a crazy pattern over, Texas, New Mexico and…

Object Lands On Highway

Tweet      Sightings of a blazing oval shaped object that landed on highways and then took off at tremendous speeds straight up early this moring have been reported to sheriff's offices here …

Yorkshire UFO Crash Mystery Solved

The missing wreckage of a miniature UFO that ‘crash landed’ on the North York Moors 60 years ago has been found - hidden in the archives of a London museum. The story has been claimed by some…

Photo of UFO Over O'Hare Finally Surfaces? (Redux)

Editor's Note: As far as I can tell this image was recently (a few hours ago) posted on the ATS (Above Top Secret) UFO Forum. The subscriber writes, “the person who sent this to me claims he s…

Navy Pilot, Who Chased A UFO, Says ‘We Should Take Them Seriously’

David Fravor is a recognizable type. Affable, neatly dressed, with a men’s regular haircut and semi-rimless glasses, he’s a retired military man who works as a consultant in the Boston area.…

O'Hare UFO Eye Witness Appears in Silhouette on CNN | VIDEO (Redux)

Mainstream media’s interest in the “O’Hare UFO Incident” hasn’t waned yet; the latest to jump in on the UFO bandwagon was/is Anderson Cooper of “Anderson Cooper 360°” aired by CNN. Interesti…

O'HARE UFO INCIDENT: Elusive Photos Discussed in Leaked News Footage | VIDEO (Redux)

A video surfaced in the spring of 2007 showing an unedited pre-interview discussion of the Chicago O'Hare Airport UFO sighting between Jon Hilkevitch (the Chicago Tribune transportation re…

Disc-Shaped UFO Reported Over O’Hare Airport (Redux)

Sighting of Disc-Shaped Object Over O’Hare Airport, Chicago, Illinois, at 16:30 Hrs. (Central) On Tuesday, November 07, 2006      The National UFO Reporting Center has received the following inform…

Navy Pilot Talks: The UFO Jammed Their Radar — ‘It Accelerated Beyond Any Airplane We Have’

A former Navy fighter pilot from New Hampshire is in the national spotlight over his claims of an unexplained encounter with a suspected UFO over the Pacific Ocean more than a decade ago. …

Navy UFO Encounter: 'It Accelerated Like Nothing I’ve Ever Seen’ – F/A-18F Pilot | VIDEO

The following recounts an incident in 2004 that advocates of research into U.F.O.s have said is the kind of event worthy of more investigation, and that was studied by a Pentagon program that inves…

Flying Objects Stir Inquiry By Pentagon | UFO CHRONICLE – 1957

The Pentagon is "greatly concerned" about many reports of unidentified flying objects fitting about the country, and is "directing a very thorough investigation," Col.Dean …

Navy-UFO Encounter – Pt 3: Contact Your Congressman for Investigation

U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Force 11 Encounters Unknowns on November 14, 2004 near San Diego      In Part I of this series I told you about an amazing UFO encounter that occurred between the USS Nimit…

Bogus Imagery Muddles Compelling Navy UFO Encounter

During the recent presentation about Tom Delonge's new company, reference was made to an alleged UFO incident involving the USS Nimitz in November 2004. That discussion was accompanied by …

Navy-UFO Encounter Incites Campaign To Spur a Congressional Hearing | Pt 2 –The FOIA's

U.S. Navy Carrier Strike Force-11 Encounters Unknowns – Pt 2      In December 2016 I submitted nine different Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to the Navy and the Marines in an effort to …
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