Showing posts with the label By Roger Marsh

UFO Triangle Reported To Have Released Orbs

A Washington witness at Lummi reported watching a triangle-shaped object “as big as a house” that passed overhead, but hovered briefly while shooting orange-colored orbs to the ground level, ac…

Military Jet Chases UFO, Report Witnesses | VIDEO

A California witness at Landers reported that a group of people at a UFO conference watched and videotaped a military jet “chasing” two lights sources that may have been two independent object…

Disc-Shaped UFOs Reported Over Lafayette County, Louisiana

A Louisiana witness at Lafayette County reported watching two, disc-shaped objects with binoculars that disappeared into a dark cloud, according to testimony in Case 84059 from the Mutual UFO N…

Six Hovering Disc-Shaped UFOs Photographed From Train

An Arizona witness traveling by train through Apache County reported watching and photographing six hovering, “two-story” objects beaming light to the ground level, according to testimony in C…

Hovering UFO Sphere at Tree Level, Spotted By Motorist

An Ohio witness at Sagamore Hills Township reported driving toward an unknown light and discovered a hovering sphere just above the tree line, according to testimony in Case 83449 from the Mu…

Disappearing UFOs and a Man in Black

A California witness driving in an “extremely rural” area of Imperial County reported a late-night encounter with an object moving along at the tree top level, according to testimony in Case 8…

Huge Triangular Shaped UFO Low Over Rural Pennsylvania

A Pennsylvania witness at Lancaster County reported watching a nearly 100-foot-long, triangle-shaped object hovering at the tree top level, according to testimony in Case 82286 from the Mutual …

UFO as Big as a Football Field

An Indiana witness at Anderson recalled a UFO event from 2015 where the object was “as big as a football field” and just 300 feet overhead, according to testimony in Case 82148 from the Mutual …

UFO Videotaped Over Estey’s Bridge, Canada

      A Canadian witness at Estey’s Bridge reported watching and videotaping a stationary light in the sky emitting a “growling noise” that quickly moved away, according to testimony in Case 81127 …

Silent Triangle UFO Spotted Over California Town

A California witness at Manteca reported watching a low flying, black triangle UFO crossing the sky silently, according to testimony in Case 81275 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness re…

Trump UFO Explained

A witness at the Iowa State Fair snapped a photo of the candidate’s helicopter with something suspicious apparently following along.      Two months after Donald J. Trump announced he was running f…

Triangle UFO Reported Hovering at Treetop Level

“It began to slowly, and at an extremely smooth and constant speed, fly over my car heading the opposite direction as me. As it passed overhead I saw that it had three red lights on all three corners…

UFO Encounter Spurs Memory Loss

Witness saw a big black, triangle craft with white lights in each corner and one red in the center.      An Ohio witness at Orwell recalled a UFO encounter from 2007 that appeared to trigger a tempo…

Metallic UFOs Photographed Over Superior, Colorado

Witnesses report watching and photographing “five metallic-like objects” moving overhead at about 30,000 feet over Superior, Colorado. (Click and or right clcik on image[s] to enlarge)      A Colo…

UFOs Caught On Camera During Camping Trip

A Nevada witness at Denio reported watching and videotaping two objects that could not immediately be identified, according to testimony in Case 75146 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witne…

Triangular-Shaped UFO Sighted at Tree Top Level

A Bella Vista (Arkansas) couple witness a triangle-shaped UFO just 100 feet over the rooftops.      An Arkansas witness at Bella Vista and his wife rushed to a bedroom window after hearing “jet-like…

UFO Filmed Over Nashville | VIDEO

A Tennessee witness at Nashville reported watching a “bright orange line in the sky” that appeared to be two separate lights when videotaping zoomed in, according to testimony in Case 78626 fro…

UFO Photographed Over Salt Lake City

A Utah witness at Salt Lake City reported watching a “black, disc-shaped” object that split into three objects, moved back as one object, and then quickly flew out of sight, according to testi…
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