
French Police Send Chopper To Investigate 'UFO Crash'

French Police Send Chopper To Investigate 'UFO Crash'

     In search of a UFO...

17 February, 18 P. M. and appeal to the corg 33 of a resident who reported having seen what he thinks he's an aircraft, at low altitude, disappear through thick smoke, in the area of Ste Croix Du Mont, Between Langon and Cadillac...
Gendarmerie de la Gironde


Immediately, patrols are dispatched on the alleged sector of the fall, supported by a helicopter gendarmerie.


Whatever it is, we invite you to always report any phenomenon suspect at the gendarmerie, especially when it comes to walkers or vehicles strangers near the residence...

À LA RECHERCHE D'UN OVNI...17 février, 18h20, appel au CORG 33 d'un riverain qui signale avoir vu ce qu'il pense être...

Posted by Gendarmerie de la Gironde on Thursday, February 18, 2016

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