Showing posts with the label Ovni

UFOs Recorded Over San Miguel Volcano?

A series of unexplained lights have been filmed hovering over a volcano in Central America. The video, taken in the foothills of San Miguel volcano in eastern El Salvador, show the lights see…

Hostile Contact With Non-Human Entities – Unseen Foes

"Glowing orbs would land on the foothills and the summits, bizarre entities had been seen wandering the dust-choked roads, and there appeared to be seasonality to these events, with the months …

CEFAE Holds Conference on Aerospace Phenomena Research Methods | ARGENTINA

The purpose of CEFAE is to research the possible causes of unidentified flying object sightings, and publish a report with the conclusions of cases that have been solved.      On September 15, the h…

The Day UFOs Invaded Uribelarrea | ARGENTINA

Strange circles were found 30 years ago on a field belonging to the Parodi family. Residents saw incandescent lights traveling at high speed Inexplicata 3-25-16 “We have seen something th…

Concaved UFO Photographed in Bolivar, Venezuela

An Unidentified Flying Object large was photographed last February 20 at 05:50 pm (HLV) in the largest Bolivar state of Venezuela, located in the region Guayana, and known worldwide both for i…

Four 'UFO Incidents' Investigated By Army | SPAIN

The Reus Air Base and the Tarragona Coast were the location for sightings by pilots and controllers. No conclusions were reached from these investigations. By Raul Cosano Inexplicata 2-17-1…

French Police Send Chopper To Investigate 'UFO Crash'

In search of a UFO... 17 February, 18 P. M. and appeal to the corg 33 of a resident who reported having seen what he thinks he's an aircraft, at low altitude, disappear through thick smoke,…
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