
X-FILES: Final Episode Ends in Alien Cliffhanger – Social Media Goes Nuts!

X-FILES: Final Episode Ends in Alien Cliffhanger

     Really, X-Files? You're going to end the new miniseries revival like that? Because that ending is less on the intriguing "nothing gets answered on The X-Files" side, and more on the infuriating "set fire to everything you love" side.
Hoai-Tran Bui
USA Today

The ending to the season finale, My Struggle II, had Scully rushing to bring the antidote to a bioweapon back to the hospital until she suddenly gets stopped by a beam of light coming from an alien ship above her. The camera zooms in on her terrified eyes looking to the sky, and we cut to black.

For a series that has no guarantee of a next season, you can at least guarantee the Internet went insane over that ending. [...]
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