Showing posts with the label Helicopter

Chilean Navy 'UFO' Video Explained?

Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel      This "UFO" observed on infrared video by the Chilean Navy leaving contrails is probably a plane leaving aerodynamic contrails; probably…

Official Press Release Re Chilean Navy UFO Incident | FULL VIDEO

(Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel)      The day November 11, 2014, a helicopter of the Chilean Navy (Airbus Cougar AS-532) equipped with a high definition camera infrared FLIR, was pa…

Groundbreaking UFO Video Released from Chilean Navy

The video depicts two connected white circular lights or hot spots, giving off much heat (Credit: CEFAA / ufosontherecord's channel)      An exceptional nine-minute Navy video of a UFO display…

Police Helicopter Captures UFO Footage with Infrared Camera | VIDEO

The mysterious footage was filmed by the South Wales police helicopter while they were flying 1,000ft over the Bristol Channel at around 9.30pm on Saturday, September 24.      A police helicopter m…

French Police Send Chopper To Investigate 'UFO Crash'

In search of a UFO... 17 February, 18 P. M. and appeal to the corg 33 of a resident who reported having seen what he thinks he's an aircraft, at low altitude, disappear through thick smoke,…

UFO Reported Following Donald Trump's Helicopter

By Lee Speigel The Huffington Post 8-31-15      [...] a UFO was reported following Donald Trump's helicopter earlier this month at the Iowa State Fair. [...] Trump was at the fair Aug. 15, o…
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