Aerial Seed Bombers Can Plant An Entire Forest Of 1,000,000 Trees A Day

Deforestation is stripping the Earth’s forests at an alarming rate, and this includes more than 100 plant, animal, and insect species (daily) as well. We are talking about massive amounts of land area that forests are supposed to cover.

We are raping the Earth, with swaths the size of Panama being lost each and every year. At the current rate of deforestation, the world’s rain forests could be completely gone within the next one hundred years, and that’s not a very long time at all.

According to the National Geographic, seventy percent of Earth’s land animals and plants live in forests. We’ve destroyed millions of acres of forest in the last century, mostly due to human activity. It’s long past the time for us to question what it is we are doing here, and it seems that more people are doing that every day, which is great to see. (source)

But all is not lost. Solutions are available to clean up the heart-breaking mess we’ve wrapped ourselves up in, and it’s quite overwhelming to consider just how many solutions we already have which could end the practice of deforestation, or at least restore the planet and help bring it back to life.

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