Showing posts with the label Recent Articles

6 Ways to Break the Hypnotic Spell of the Mainstream Media

Here’s six steps to filter out media noise, break the hypnosis of the mainstream media, and get to the information that truly matters. There is no information age. It doesn’t exist. There is only the…

How About Life in Prison for Doctors Who Prescribe Psychiatric Drugs to Toddlers?

Over the past 25 years, I’ve documented and exposed the horrendous effects of psychiatric drugs. To take this a giant step further, what doctor, in his right mind, would DIAGNOSE a baby, a toddler, a…

5 Reasons Why Doctors Call Grounding the 'Vitamin G' and Its Effects Against Diseases

When was the last time you walked barefoot in the sand, grass, or in a forest? For most people, this doesn’t happen very often. But we’re now learning that there might be more of a reason  for you to…

What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Has to Reveal About Your Personality

We have all heard of Western astrology and the 12 signs of the zodiac. Dividing the year into 12 periods, each associated with a constellation that can be found in the area of the sky occupied by th…

5 Super Advantages of Doing A Walking Meditation Instead of Sitting

When we talk of meditation, probably what comes to your mind is sitting alone in a quiet room, with meditation music playing in the background or maybe chanting “om.” Different variations of meditati…

New Study Links Human Consciousness to a Law That Governs the Universe

Human Entropy Our species has long agonized over the concept of human consciousness . What exactly causes it, and why did we evolve to experience consciousness? Now, a new study has uncovered a clue …

Attracted to Bad News? Then You May Not Read This Because...

Attracted to Bad News? Then You May Not Read This Because... The World Is Getting Better I’m not judging, I do the same thing. Being attracted to negative news is ingrained into the psyche. Biologic…

6 Things Empaths Go Through Daily That Most People Never Notice

Empaths are extremely energetic beings and even the smallest things can be huge to them. While those who are not empaths will not be able to relate to this if you are an empath you know exactly the …

The Fear of Saying Something Wrong Can Cause You to Say Everything Wrong

by Michelle Walling , guest writer Fear. Everyone is talking about it and it is the one thing that everyone knows they need to overcome. Fear is a vicious cycle of repetition and in order to break t…

Dr. Buteyko Reveals the Prime Cause of ALL Disease

Dr. Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko was a Ukrianian scientist and physician who made the most significant health discovery in history. The knowledge of what causes disease in the human body is made clea…

Patrick Stewart Has Shamed the Government Live on the BBC

Hollywood actor Sir Patrick Stewart has put the government to shame, right outside parliament and live on the BBC. “Extreme urgency” Stewart was at parliament on Tuesday 20 March, supporting the hand…

New Earth Creation: As More Awaken, More Light Will Be Held, Which Manifests Into the Creation Of The New Earth

Recent Energy There has been a lot of energy changes/ upgrades for all these last few weeks, I have been so busy with clients and writing my daily energy reports, and dealing with the upgrades, I hav…

The Beginning of the Second Paradigm of the New Age Has Arrived

We are now entered a brand new PARADIGM and an upgraded paradigm that did not exist before. We stepped into a new TIMELINE as the old regimes of the past fall away. We have Brexit and other parts of …

14 Characteristics of People Born With Higher Frequency

Everything in this Universe vibrates at a certain frequency which gives it its unique existence, visibility and tangibility. Any break in this frequency causes the delicate relation of the object to …

Ayurveda: The Healing Properties of Colors

We have already discussed the healing powers of metals and gemstones . Let’s see what Ayurveda teaches us about colors: The Healing Properties of Colors Ayurvedic treatments also make use of the he…

Past Lives, In Between Lives, and the Near-Death Experience

I could see it coming some 15 or so years ago. I’d been preparing to interview psychic medium John Edward on the set of his then popular TV show Crossing Over back in 2000 in New York City. Amid an o…

Madness, Magic and a Simulated Universe

Might the idea of a simulated universe account for the uptick in Global insanity? As the madness of this world appears to be increasing rapidly, I’m finding myself at an impasse  trying to understand…

Hair Is An Extension Of The Nervous System — Why Native American Indians Keep Their Hair LONG

When thinking about hair, we often rush to make connections with beauty salons, hair products, hairstyles and everything connected to that, but few of us have actually asked why ancient Cultures like…

Dr. Otto Warburg: The Man Who Discovered the Prime Cause of Cancer

Dr. Otto Warburg was a Nobel Prize-winning German scientist who dedicated his life to researching cancer and in the 1920’s discovered it’s prime cause.  Frustrated by the lack of acceptance of his id…

Verbal Abuse Can Damage Our Brain And Cause Anxiety Disorders

Life has certainly proven to you that the traditional quote “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me” is totally untrue since words can be really hurtful and can cause huge…
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