Edward Haslam - DR. MARY'S MONKEY

Judyth has much more to tell us regarding some of the murkiest aspects of assassination research, events which were taking place in New Orleans during 1963. As Ed Haslam has explained in his book and during the interview, Judyth and Lee were collaborating with David Ferrie and Dr. Mary Sherman in a project that evolved from the necesssity to develop an anti-cancer-virus cure that became crucial when it was discovered that the polio vaccine being use to inoculate around 100,000,000 children and young adults was contaminated with the SV-40 virus, derived from the incubation of batches for study in the kidneys of Rhesus monkeys, into the development of a bioweapon to take out officially designated targets. It is a fascinating and remarkable story, which I am only now beginning to piece together.

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