Showing posts with the label vaccines

Tennessee Mom of Premature Twins Who Refused Vaccines is Arrested and Jailed

Almost a year after her youngest set of twins was taken by Child Protective Services, a Tennessee mother was arrested this week and charged with 2 counts of felony child neglect. Tamika Seagraves was…

Fracking Waste Is Radioactive And Endangers Human Health — No Safe Way To Dispose Of It

Hydraulic fracturing – more commonly known as fracking – may still be legal in many states across the U.S., but there's no denying that it's a highly controversial practice. In the state of C…

Corruption: CDC Director Caught Buying Shares of Vaccine Maker While in Office

As yet more proof that the CDC functions as little more than an extension of the corrupt vaccine industry, CDC director Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald was forced to resign yesterday following a scandalous Pol…

Everything You Need To Know About Bill Gates' Relationship With Big Pharma

Bill Gates is fond of using his bully pulpit to talk about “miracles” and “magic.” Gates has featured one or both words in nearly all of his annual wrap-up letters for the Bill & Melinda Gates Fo…

CDC Lies About Possible Association Between DPT Vaccine and Autism

Vaccines have been a focus of controversy for several decades now, ever since evidence of their side effects and connection to inflammation of the brain and autism has come to light. Now, the World M…

Top Kenyan Politician Claims Tetanus Vaccine Covertly Used for the Sterilization of 500,000 Women & Children

Railia Odinga, who swore himself in a president of Kenya this week has claimed their tests prove the government's tetanus vaccine has sterilized hundreds of thousands of women and children. A sta…

Aborted Fetal Cells in Vaccines Responsible for Increase in Autism

( NaturalHealth365 ) Autism is a brain disorder that causes symptoms that typically become noticeable no later than age three. It affects a child’s ability to communicate both verbally and non-verbal…

The Autism Epidemic and How to Stop It

We are facing an autism epidemic in which one out of two American children born in 2025 will suffer the devastating health consequences of autism. MIT research scientist Stephanie Seneff makes this …

New Research Proves Brains of Children with Autism are Loaded with Aluminum

Recent research undertaken by Professor Christopher Exley and his team from Keele University in Staffordshire leaves parents with little doubt that aluminum plays a crucial part in the brain tissue o…

If You’re Convinced Vaccines Are Safe, You’re Not Well Informed

If you're convinced that vaccines are safe, you're not listening to the people who've lost a child after a round of vaccines was administered. The U.S. government set up a special court t…

Flu Vaccines Actually SPREAD the Flu: 630% More 'Aerosolized Flu Virus Particles' Emitted by People Who Received the Shot

A bombshell new scientific study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences ( PNAS ) finds that people who receive flu shots emit 630% more flu virus particles into the air, com…

Science vs. CDC on Scary Flu Shot Promotions

Every year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pharmaceutical companies mount an aggressive campaign in the mainstream media to persuade Americans to get their flu shots. Flu sh…

Cancer Industry Frustrated that Children Treated with Chemotherapy Aren’t Getting Enough HPV Vaccines

The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, the panel that makes vaccine policy recommendations for the mainstream medical community, has for several years now been pushing for the routine HPV …

Vaccinated Children Keep Dying from the Flu All Across America

Children are dying from the flu all across America, according to media reports. What the media isn't reporting, however, is how many of the children who died were also vaccine recipients. Make no…

Scientists Gave 1,400 Babies A New Vaccine For Tuberculosis Despite FAILED Safety Trials

An investigation by the British Medical Journal has exposed a horrifying vaccine scam that took place in the same place that many unethical vaccine stories come from – Africa. There, babies were used…

Undeniable Proof That Mercury Is Still Used In Vaccines Injected Into Children

Because there has been a malicious disinformation effort to convince doctors, nurses and the public that vaccines given to children don’t contain mercury, I’m posting this letter from the State of Ca…

Mother Claims: Flu Shot Caused Blindness and Multiple Sclerosis After Being Forced to Vaccinate by Her Boss

A 34-year-old mother of two was rendered blind in one eye for 10 months and diagnosed with a case of multiple sclerosis following a flu shot vaccination. Jennifer Whitney was forced by her employer …

Flu Vaccine for 2017 Ineffective Against Upcoming Severe Flu Season, Experts Warn

According to an international team of experts, this year’s flu season is going to be a doozy and the flu vaccine will most likely prove to be a total failure – at protecting the public . An unusually…

President Trump Explains Why He Doesn’t Get the Flu Shot

They are calling this the worst flu season in 13 plus years and hospitals around the country are reportedly overloaded. At the same time, this year’s flu vaccine is said to be only 10-30% effective ,…

Massive Flu Outbreak? Here’s the Real Story the Media Won’t Touch: the Lies, the Hoax, the Scandal

In case you haven’t been following the uproar over the flu outbreak, you’ve missed the fact that… Health authorities admit this year’s flu vaccine is only 10% effective. But of course, they urge you …
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