Showing posts with the label Lee Harvey Oswald

Entire Volume of CIA Files On Lee Harvey Oswald, Set to Be Released in October, Has ‘Gone Missing’

Volume 5 of the CIA's Lee Harvey Oswald 7-volume collection, may never be turned over, even though the law requires it to take place by October 26th of this year. All available documents from all…

The Open and Shut Case of Lee Harvey Oswald, Lone Assassin

Cancer Conspiracy

While researching the mysterious death of Dr. Mary Sherman, Haslam discovered that polio vaccines created in the 1950's had been tainted with a cancer-causing virus. This contamination, he sa…

Edward Haslam - DR. MARY'S MONKEY

Judyth has much more to tell us regarding some of the murkiest aspects of assassination research, events which were taking place in New Orleans during 1963. As Ed Haslam has explained in his book and…

Shot Down: Morley vs. CIA

Last week’s ruling by United States District Judge Richard J. Leon didn’t come as a big surprise to anyone watching from the sidelines. Judge Leon ruled in favor of the CIA in a long running dispute …

Farid’s photo is a real fake. And so is he.

By Jerry Mazza Recently, Dartmouth Professor Hany Farid claimed in the Huffington Post that the famous (or infamous) backyard photo of Lee Harvey Oswald—the photo in which he holds a Communist n…

The Strange Case of Lee Harvey Oswald

Few events have captured the American imagination more than the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The American public and our greatest intellectuals have poured over the evidence over and over agai…

Lee Oswald Was One Weird Dude, Part 4

As seen in the first three segments, Lee H. Oswald has a far more interesting and controversial life than anybody ever imagined. Far more so than anything written in the original Warren Commission …


by Jim Fetzer and Jim Marrs Professor Hany Farid, a member of the computer science faculty at Dartmouth, in a recent article injected himself into a long-running dispute concerning the authentic…

C.I.A. Is Still Cagey About Oswald Mystery

For six years, the agency has fought in federal court to keep secret hundreds of documents from 1963, when an anti-Castro Cuban group it paid clashed publicly with the soon-to-be assassin, Lee Harv…
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