Showing posts with the label James Fetzer

Edward Haslam - DR. MARY'S MONKEY

Judyth has much more to tell us regarding some of the murkiest aspects of assassination research, events which were taking place in New Orleans during 1963. As Ed Haslam has explained in his book and…

Were Tesla-style Weapons Used on the Twin Towers?

A guest who has now appeared on "The Real Deal" twice to discuss Nikola Tesla and some of his remarkable inventions and uses the name "Curtis" has sketched how he believes the Twi…

The ‘magic bullet’ theory and a coup d’état in America

By Jerry Mazza After all, it was the acceptance of this unbelievable theory that literally paved the way for a coup d’etat in America. That is, if you can assassinate a president in broad daylig…

"The Echo From Dealey Plaza" -- an interview with Abraham Bolden

Abraham Bolden was appointed by JFK to be the first African American presidential Secret Service agent, where he served with distinction. Bolden was a crucial part of a the Secret Service effort th…

Doug Horne, "INSIDE THE ARRB" - Part II

Analysis of the sworn testimony before the ARRB of ten people involved in the autopsy, and others interviewed previously by the HSCA, have led Doug Horne to the inescapable conclusion that a high-l…

Doug Horne, "INSIDE THE ARRB" - Part 1

I especially like the manner in which Doug Horne encourages other students of JFK to abandon their long-held but probably-false belief in Zapruder film authenticity: "The biggest problem we fa…

"What Happened to JFK--and Why it Matters Today"

Jim Fetzer gives a presentation in Portland Oregon about the JFK Asassination.Dec 12th 2009 Disclose.tv Jim Fetzer JFK Asassination PDX 9/11 Truth 12-09 Video

Reasoning about Assassinations

In this article, which was based on a presentation at Cambridge and submitted to a peer-reviewed international journal, which published it under the title, "Reasoning about Assassinations"…

Dealey Plaza Revisited: What Happened to JFK

Taken by James Altgens, this famous photograph shows (1) the through-and-through hole in the windshield; (2) an Oswald look-alike--probably a co-worker named Billy Lovelady--in the doorway of the…


by Jim Fetzer and Jim Marrs Professor Hany Farid, a member of the computer science faculty at Dartmouth, in a recent article injected himself into a long-running dispute concerning the authentic…
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