Doug Horne, "INSIDE THE ARRB" - Part II

Analysis of the sworn testimony before the ARRB of ten people involved in the autopsy, and others interviewed previously by the HSCA, have led Doug Horne to the inescapable conclusion that a high-level government cover up was in place from the very afternoon of the president’s death. INSIDE THE ARRB, the product of over 13 years of writing and research, provides the best explanation yet offered of the true nature of the medical cover up in the assassination of JFK, and does so in meticulous detail, with scrupulous use of primary source material. It incorporates the latest information-much of it new evidence not revealed elsewhere-gleaned from the ARRB's depositions and interviews of medical witnesses, conducted from 1996 to 1998. With precise accuracy, and with a relentless focus on the massive fraud uncovered in the official records of the 35th President's assassination, Horne presents a persuasive case that the assassination of JFK was an "inside job," a true coup d'etat in America, that was ruthlessly and brazenly covered up by those who ‘broke the back of the American century’ in Dallas on November 22, 1963.
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Doug Horne, "INSIDE THE ARRB" Part 1 »»

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