Health Officials ADMIT: The Flu Jab Does NOT Work — Vaccine in Circulation Targets Wrong Strain (As is Usually the Case)

(Natural News) Albert Einstein is broadly credited with saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results.

By that definition, the entire healthcare profession of most of the developed world is insane. Why else would they continue to insist, year after year, that people be vaccinated against the flu, when year after year, the vaccine proves to be ineffective?

The U.K.’s Daily Mail recently reported that this year’s flu vaccine (unsurprisingly) is targeted at the wrong strains, and that the thousands of people who have already received the shot have wasted their own time and the government’s money.

U.S. publications, including The New York Times, are reporting that we are experiencing the same problem on this side of the pond.

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