
Over 15,000 Scientists from 184 Countries Say Going Vegan Will Help Save the Planet

According to the Alliance of World Scientists, a group comprised of over 15,000 scientists from over 184 countries, humans need to change their individual consumption and behavior… soon.

Among encouraging people to lower their use of fossil fuels and reduce their reproduction rates — because, [according to them], the Earth can’t sustain all of us — they urged folks to, essentially, go vegan.

They (eerily) issued a similar warning 25 years ago, talking about how rapid consumption and reproduction, as individual behaviors, could lead to ocean dead zones, ozone depletion, forest cover loss, decline in marine life, and loss of biodiversity.

While the warnings are the same, the warning this time around is a bit more severe, as the environmental impacts have gotten significantly worse. The group’s statement is clear.

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