10 Books That Will Blow Your Mind & Have You Reading Until The Last Page

Reading is incredible. It sparks our imaginations, enhances our critical thinking skills, improves our vocabulary, exercises our brain, and much more.

While our love for reading in general will never die, it does seem that, these days, its popularity has waned significantly.

Many kids today, and plenty of adults too, can’t seem to wrap their heads around sitting and doing ‘nothing’ for any extended amount of time when they could instead experience new and intense sensory information every few seconds instead.

You’d be hard-pressed to find a child (or teen) that won’t throw a fit the moment you take their cell phone or iPad away from them, and it’s not illogical to wonder if children today are even using their brains; surely the constant TV watching and time spent on social media doesn’t challenge their minds in the way that a book can.

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