
What Are Laboratory Rats Indicating About Wi-Fi Exposures The High Tech Industries Deny?

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is everywhere: Planes, trains, schools, workplaces, cafés, and even doctors’ offices, which I find quite unfathomable, since those microwave frequencies are harmful to the brain, i.e., one of the non-thermal radiation wave adverse health effects the industry’s associations, e. g., ICNIRP, deny but falsely promote as safe, in my opinion.

Microwave energies are in the gigahertz (GHz) range — think microwave ovens! Would you leave your microwave oven door open while it is cooking dinner?

Then, apply that same logic to the exposures you experience in all the places stated in the paragraph above.

We are living in a sea of unfettered microwave exposures which are not safe for the human brain — especially in developing fetuses and young children, regardless of what vested interests tell you about the ‘science’.

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