Showing posts with the label Wi-Fi Dangers

Wi-Fi Devices Increase Mercury Release From Dental Amalgams

Recent research indicates that our increasingly Wi-Fi saturated environment could be greatly amplifying the dangers of mercury exposure from dental amalgams. By Sayer Ji, A new stud…

New Documents From Wikileaks Expose How The CIA Exploits Wireless Devices

In the latest ongoing WikiLeaks whistleblowing scandal, the website has published documents from the CIA’s CherryBlossom project, exposing agency’s exploitation of Wi-Fi device security vulnerabiliti…

How WiFi Will Be Used to Erase Civil Liberties

If there is ever a perfect example of dual-use technology, it is WiFi connectivity . I’ve already covered the mounting evidence that our ubiquitous gadgets and wireless connections are doing irrepara…

Smart Technology, WiFi, Agenda 21 Energy Field Wars on Humanity

Given that all things are energy what could be a better way to covertly manipulate the people than by the control of ubiquitous invisible energy fields? As the metaphor says “ control the sea then yo…

What Are Laboratory Rats Indicating About Wi-Fi Exposures The High Tech Industries Deny?

Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) is everywhere: Planes, trains, schools, workplaces, cafés, and even doctors’ offices, which I find quite unfathomable, since those microwave frequencies are harmful to the …

WiFi Radiation Dangers And How To Remediate It

This video provides a simple, yet profound lesson. The radio frequency radiation being transmitted from your wireless router or modem is extremely toxic and detrimental to your health. Notice how hig…

The Hive Mind: 5G, Smart Grid, and the Coming 'Global Brain'

A lot of people look at their smart phones and just see a little phone with a computer in it. They have no idea what is coming our way with the smart grid, the Internet of Things , the Fourth Industr…

5G IoT: Total Technological Control Grid Being Rolled Out Fast

5G is being rolled out fast right now, with Verizon testing it out in 11 US cities and ATT also conducting experiments. For those who don’t know, 5G is the latest wireless system that telecommunicati…
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