
Babylonian Money Magic Slave System or Ubuntu?

Imagine a world without money. At the moment the world is in the control of a handful of beings. They have created the Babylonian money magic slave system. This system has the power to control and enslave us all completely. 

We have to work to obtain money, if we don’t we have no food, energy, clothes, shelter, etc. We could live off the state but this is frowned upon. Society expects us to work and compete. We are all driven to work harder and earn more money. This takes up most of our time.

We do not have time to think, to dream, to follow our creative urges. Everything that we want to do, every idea we have, usually costs money, every hobby costs money. Some people feel totally constricted by this system and lose all hope. They turn to drugs and alcohol to find some sort of relief.

They end up living on the streets with nothing. People and families can spend their entire lives in a state of poverty with no way out. This creates a greedy, selfish society.

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