Putin’s Response to Satanists and New World Order Agents

Contrary to what Darwinian metaphysics later posited, history or the universe or even human beings are not meaningless or purposeless. There is a logos in history which can be apprehended by those who love the truth.

by Jonas E. Alexis, Veterans Today

In response to the prevailing notion among New World Order agents that he is Hitler reincarnate,[1] a dictator,[2] a James bond villain,[3] and that Russia has violated international law,[4] Putin brilliantly said:

“All right, Satan worshipers and NWO agents. Let’s put it this way: you ask me some questions, and I’ll do the same. Let us debate this issue on a purely intellectual level. How many countries have you invaded and destroyed and bombed in the last twenty years alone? And please don’t lie to me because I’ve got the numbers right in front of me. You are welcome to ask me the same question, and you can find the numbers yourself. And based on those figures alone, which country is diabolical: Russia or the U.S.? Please, use your brain and do not let outside forces manipulate you.”
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