How A Root Canal Could Be Making You Sick

by Jeff Roberts, Collective Evolution

When I was 5 years old, I remember buying a big box of pink tape gum and liquorice strings right before my family and I were about to fly from Newfoundland to our new hometown in British Columbia. “Gots’ to be prepared for the plane ride,” I mused.

But little did I know that over the course of the 7 hour flight I was blatantly over feeding the sugar-loving bacteria in my mouth, and would soon be faced with my first tooth infection at age 5. Even worse, my first root canal.

A root canal is hardly an enjoyable experience for a grown adult, let alone a 5 year old kid, and by the time I was 22, I had undergone 3 in total. Clearly, sugar had me. I was its female dog.

I never stopped to question the dental procedure itself, I mean, what kid or parent would question their dentist? All I knew was that is took away my throbbing pain, and I assume the same reasoning likely goes for the millions of patients who receive root canals every year in North America.

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