
Pilot Who Flew The Airplanes That Crashed on 9/11 Blows the Whistle

Capt. Russ Wittenberg is a unique individual in that he actually flew two of the planes that were “hijacked” on 911. Flight “lets roll” 93 and flight 175, the plane that hit the south tower.

This is what he has to say about 911:

Former U.S. Air Force fighter pilot with over 100 combat missions. Retired commercial pilot. Flew for Pan Am and United Airlines for 35 years. Aircraft flown: Boeing 707, 720, 727, 737, 747, 757, 767, and 777. 30,000+ total hours flown.

Had previously flown the actual two United Airlines aircraft that were hijacked on 9/11 (Flight 93, which impacted in Pennsylvania, and Flight 175, the second plane to hit the WTC).

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