Showing posts with the label False Flags

The FBI Allowed Terrorist Attack to Occur, And Encouraged It

This is an interesting and twisted story that presents a documented case of an FBI agent deep undercover facilitating a shooting event, where neither himself nor any fellow FBI agents stepped in to …

False Flag Mass Shootings: Stages of Awakening

False flag mass shootings continue to be a favored strategy used by the New World Order (NWO) controllers to further their agenda of fear and domination.  It seems that every time a gap of time open…

9/11: The First Ever Handheld Camera Videos Of The Pentagon After The Explosion (Rare Video)

It’s really no mystery to see why more than half of the American population, according to the latest polls, does not believe the official story provided to them by the government – when it comes to t…

Teacher Says FL Shooter Was in Full Body Armor, Face Mask, and She Thought He Was a Cop

A teacher who witnessed the Florida School shooting said she saw the shooter firing a barrage of bullets down the hall and she immediately thought he was a police officer because he was wearing full …

4 Armed Cops Waited Outside Florida High School as Children Were Massacred

Coral Springs police officers were “stunned and upset” to learn that four Broward County Sheriff’s Deputies were stationed outside the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School and had not entered to face…

Will the Real Crisis Actors Please Stand Up?

It’s been almost 20 years since the massacre at Columbine High School. That was in 1999, when cable news was really just beginning to sinks its teeth into American culture. It was a new format, and f…

Leaked Report: FBI Was Informed That Cruz 'Was Likely to Conduct a School Shooting' And 'Get Into a School and Just Shoot the Place Up'

Update: Amid public demands for transparency, the Broward Police have released the full list of 23 calls for service to the home of attacker Nikolas Cruz , in a desperate bid to deflect criticism ov…

Shooting Survivor Slams CNN for Giving Him Script — CNN Denies

( ANTIMEDIA ) — On Thursday, CNN denied claims from a Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student who said the network expected him to ask scripted questions during a televised town hall meeting in …

Crisis Actor Exposed: Not A Registered Student, Father in the FBI, Rehearsing Scripted Lines on Camera, Witness in 2 Mass Shootings So Far

Is anyone surprised anymore at the depths of deception invoked by the fake news media? All weekend long, the media paraded high school kids in front of news cameras, exploiting them as props for the …

At Least 20 Students Told Police Nikolas Cruz Threatened To KILL Them — Police Did Nothing

Police have admitted that they received at least 20 calls reporting suspected gunman Nikolas Cruz in recent years, and his former classmates said they received multiple death threats from him. by Rac…

Lie About Florida Shooter Being Member of 'White Supremacist' Group Not Retracted (Fake News)

Media rushed to blame far-right so they could demonize all conservatives. by Paul Joseph Watson Having breathlessly reported that Florida gunman Nikolas Cruz was a member of a white supremacist group…

Chaos And Fear the New Norm In America As Many Assume The Reality Of Staged Events

There is a new norm in America that is one of chaos, race wars and mass shootings that are supposedly all "real"... unless of course you can provide a mountain of evidence to debunk the off…

False Flags: Using Crisis Actors Instead of Really Killing People

If you’re anything like me…as soon as you hear the news about a big shooting or a terrorist attack in Europe or America, you roll your eyes and yawn. Then you go pop some popcorn and kick back in you…

Does the ‘Extraterrestrial Threat’ Even Exist? Or Would It Be Another False Flag Event?

Wikileaks has release of the Podesta emails exposed massive amounts of corruption within the U.S. political system. Some of the Podesta leaks include information about UFOs and extraterrestrials in t…

Nikolas Cruz Publicly Stated He Wanted to Shoot Up a School — The FBI Knew and Did Nothing

The suspect in a mass shooting that killed 17 people, was reported to the FBI months ago for making comments on YouTube saying, "I'm going to be a professional school shooter." by Rache…

Media Completely Ignores New FBI Info Suggesting Paddock Was A Vegas Arms Dealer

Stephen Paddock sent a series of emails suggesting that he was part of a group selling "a huge selection" of weapons in the Las Vegas area. by Rachel Blevins , guest writer New details have…

Black Ops Agent Claims He Was Paid To Bomb OKC in the 1990s By Deep State — Hours Later Has A Car Crash

Former independent Black Ops Contractor Robert “Cody” Snodgres took to the airwaves early last month to allege he was offered a massive $1 million dollar paycheck from the CIA to bomb the Alfred P. M…

MSM & FBI Push Fake Terror Attack Even After Their Patsy Refused To Do It

The mainstream media is praising the FBI after their agents targeted a "terrorist" who refused to go through with an attack they were attempting to set up. by Rachel Blevins It is no secret…

Nearly 3 Months Since the Vegas Massacre, Police Silent, Still No Images of Paddock, and No Motive

Strangely, almost three months after the the deadliest mass shooting in recent U.S. history, authorities have still not announced a motive for the massacre, nor have they officially released a single…

5th Vegas Survivor Mysteriously Dies Since the Attack — Murdered in a Hit and Run

A fifth person who survived the Las Vegas massacre has met their suspicious and untimely demise, this time, being run down by a Camero. by Matt Agorist , guest writer Nearly two months after the Las…
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