
Hovering, Triangular Shaped UFO Spotted By Motorists

Hovering Triangular Shaped UFO Spotted By Motorists

Georgia family encounters hovering triangle UFO

By Roger Marsh

     A Georgia family at Augusta encountered a hovering triangle-shaped UFO along Furys Ferry Road and drove under the object for a better look, according to testimony in Case 63503 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The husband, wife and son were driving along Furys Ferry Road when they first saw the hovering object about 7:30 p.m. on February 21, 2015.

“Wife thought it was new cell tower or something, but the lights were white and very bright,” the reporting witness stated.

The family drove toward the object.

“Drove underneath and to one side and saw it was a triangle with bright lights at each corner and a small red light in center.” . . .
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