Stanford laundered and siphoned money from wealthy Latin Americans to fund anti-leftist rebellions

By Wayne Madsen
An informed source close to the investigation of Sir Allen Stanford’s failed Stanford Financial Group and Stanford International Bank has told WMR that there is another link between Stanford’s activities and those of jailed Ponzi scammer Bernard Madoff. While Madoff defrauded a number of wealthy American Jewish investors, Stanford, according to our source, was doing the same with the investments of a number of Latin American Jews, especially those from Mexico and Venezuela.

In some cases, however, Stanford, with the knowledge of the Jewish investors, was laundering and forwarding their money to groups planning the overthrow of elected progressive leaders such as Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia, Rafael Correa in Ecuador, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in Argentina, and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua. The leaders allegedly threatened the investments of Stanford’s Jewish clients in each of the nations targeted for coups.

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