Showing posts with the label financial meltdown

Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck

No matter how much you earn, getting by is still a struggle for most people these days. Seventy-eight percent of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck, up from 75 percent last year, a…

Film: The Tiny West Virginia Town Haunted by an NSA Secret

Antennae at the NSA listening post, codenamed TIMBERLINE, were built to capture Soviet satellite messages as they bounced off the moon, imbuing a pristine stretch of Appalachia with a sort of cosmic …

US Postal Service calls for price increases amid record losses

The US Postal Service has seen record losses as traditional mail is replaced by electronic means. Without enough money to pay for years of employee benefits, the agency is calling for legislation to …

It’s the Banksters, Stupid

It’s something Americans should have figured out after the last financial crisis. The source of their misery stems from the policies of the Federal Reserve and international bankers. As usual, though…

A Quarter Of American Adults Can't Pay All Their Monthly Bills; 44% Have Less Than $400 In Cash

Nearly eight years into an economic recovery, nearly half of Americans didn’t have enough cash available to cover a $400 emergency. Specifically, the survey found that, in line with what the Fed had …

Illegal drug money saved banks during global finance disaster

Billions of dollars from the illegal drug business was the only thing that kept the global financial system from collapsing at the height of the banking crisis just over a year ago, according to the …

Looting Main Street

By MATT TAIBBI How the nation's biggest banks are ripping off American cities with the same predatory deals that brought down Greece. Rolling Stone:Read full article »»

Exposing the Great American Bubble Barons

Today's super-rich are not robber barons, but bubble barons: they extract their fortunes from intensifying cycles of imaginary wealth creation and destruction, live at a far remove from their b…

Debt Dynamite Dominoes: The Coming Financial Catastrophe

The western world has been plundered into poverty, a process long underway, but with the unfolding of the crisis, will be rapidly accelerated. As our societies collapse in on themselves, the governme…

Citigroup Says Feds Ordered 7 Day Restriction On Bank Withdrawals

A new advisory being sent by America’s third largest bank to its account holders has stoked fears that major financial institutions could be preparing for old fashioned bank runs if the economy tak…

Wall Street's Bailout Hustle

Goldman Sachs and other big banks aren't just pocketing the trillions we gave them to rescue the economy - they're re-creating the conditions for another crash By MATT TAIBBI Con artists…

Wall St. Helped to Mask Debt Fueling Europe’s Crisis

Wall Street tactics akin to the ones that fostered subprime mortgages in America have worsened the financial crisis shaking Greece and undermining the euro by enabling European governments to hide …

It Is Now Mathematically Impossible To Pay Off The U.S. National Debt

So the bottom line is this.... #1) If all money owned by all American banks, businesses and individuals was gathered up today and sent to the U.S. government, there would not be enough to pay off …

No Help in Sight, More Homeowners Walk Away

New research suggests that when a home’s value falls below 75 percent of the amount owed on the mortgage, the owner starts to think hard about walking away, even if he or she has the money to keep …

Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows

The idea of secret banking cabals that control the country and global economy are a given among conspiracy theorists who stockpile ammo, bottled water and peanut butter. After this week’s congressi…

Bankergate: Emails Expose Criminal Financial Dictatorship At Work

Explosive emails released last week could see Treasury secretary Timothy Geithner become embroiled in criminal charges for his role in a cover up that exposes the monumental criminality behind the …

Federal Reserve Seeks to Protect U.S. Bailout Secrets

The Federal Reserve asked a U.S. appeals court to block a ruling that for the first time would force the central bank to reveal secret identities of financial firms that might have collapsed withou…

The Recession Begins Flooding Into the Courts

New York State’s courts are closing the year with 4.7 million cases — the highest tally ever — and new statistics suggest that courtrooms are now seeing the delayed result of the country’s economic…

We're Screwed!

Do you believe everything the government tells you? Economist and statistician John Williams sure doesn't. Williams, who has consulted for individuals and Fortune 500 companies, now uncovers th…

Drug money saved banks in global crisis, claims UN advisor

Drugs money worth billions of dollars kept the financial system afloat at the height of the global crisis, the United Nations' drugs and crime tsar has told the Observer. Antonio Maria Costa, h…
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