Showing posts with the label Latin America

Death Penalty Talk Revives Criticism of Human Rights Court

Post-NAFTA Mexico Alludes to Plans B, C & D

Going back to plain vanilla trade, there is much afoot in Mexico as politicians there appear to be contemplating the end of NAFTA as we know it thanks to el loco del norte Donald Trump. There is now…

Mexico, Screw Trump: Only Congress Undoes NAFTA

Mexico should put Trump and his protectionista Lighthizer in their place by getting the US congress to stop this idiocy. I make no bones that I am far more sympathetic to Mexico than Trump's USA…

Self-Hatred: Would-Be Latino Builders of Trump's Wall

As Eddie Money once sang, " Gimme Some Water ." To me, it's the most distasteful thing imaginable: why would persons of Latin American heritage help build the infrastructural centerpiec…

Fightback: Mexico's Options in a 'Post-NAFTA' Age

It's time to get it on? And so what was perhaps inevitable has finally broken out: Mexican President Pena Nieto's fruitless efforts to get on the good side of his American counterpart have co…

Actually, Trump's Been Great for Mexico's Exports (So Far)

Koreans and others are still doing alright in Mexico. Arguably even better in recent months. Let us first get an update on the state of Mexican exports to the United States--by far its largest export…

Corporate Racket: Pretend to Leave Trump's USA

Wave this in front of the dimwit Trump and collect lots of government money. US President-elect Donald Trump's avowed interest in keeping American jobs Stateside--no matter how misguided they may…

Mrs Clinton's New E-Mail Investigation Hits Mexican Peso

There's an interesting article on MarketWatch on how the FBI issuing a recent statement that it would look further into Hillary Clinton's e-mails--here we go again--has affected various mar…

Venezuelan Oiler PDVSA: Debt Swap or Bankrupt

"Delay when we need to pay you back...or we'll default on Oct. 28!" Investor relations, Venezuela-style. When oil prices were at $100 or higher, Venezuela was flying high, using oil rev…

£4M Per Olympic Medal: UK's Cost of Success

The United Kingdom's unprecedented feat at the 2016 Rio Olympics--winning more medals [67] in the event following the one they hosted [65 at London 2012]--has not gone unnoticed. Far more populou…

Remembering When Concordes Flew to Venezuela

Remembering when Venezuela wasn't a Chavista hellhole: Of Concordes and oil wealth. The international humiliation of Venezuela illustrates how far it has fallen in the global pecking order in ter…

Will MSCI Demote Peru From Emerging to Frontier Market?

Stock market "trading"--something of a Peruvian novelty. Later today, the market indexing firm MSCI will issue guidance on whether to include Chinese equities in their emerging market indi…

High-Speed Rail: Venezuela's "Red Elephant" Project

Paraphrasing Enya: Rail away, rail away, rail away. They say that you may lend a country so much that you eventually end up owning it if it cannot pay, and this belief has interesting implications fo…

Bolivar Showdown: Venzuelan Gov't vs Dolar Today

The mighty says it's now over a thousand bolivars to the buck. Those following goings-on in Venezuela's slow-motion descent into financial oblivion should be familiar with the…

Fighting PRC Illegal Fishers in Argentina, Indonesia

PRC "fishing" boat headed for Davy Jones' Locker . The PRC's fisher militia strikes again, destroying goodwill as it poaches throughout the world. I have previously written about h…

New Venezuelan FinMin: Inflation Doesn't Exist

Guerra economica and ever after. The late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez was once described as a " Narcissist-Leninist " by a number of economic commentators. As we've subsequently l…

Argentina, Brazil, S Africa: Who Gets IMF Help in 2016?

Can new Argentine President Mauricio Macri turn things around? His is not the only financially troubled G20 country. Four days in, I am not seeing major improvements in 2016 for commodity exporters, …

Brazil's So Broke Olympians Don't Get Air-Conditioning

It must get hot wearing these Olympic outfits when there's no A/C. It wasn't supposed to be like this. Brazil during the tail end of the Lula years was riding high on elevated commodity price…

$45B in PRC Freebies Ain't Enough: Venezuela Hits IMF

So broke he can't even spend the night: Venezuela's President Maduro. We all have wastrel friends and relatives of no particular achievements, distinction or talents who get by through beggin…

What China Gets From Giving Venezuela $45B

The largest Venezuelan note is now worth 12 cents. Next week, the IMF is holding meetings in Lima, Peru in the region that has suffered as much as any other from the global slump in commodities. It&…
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