Showing posts with the label Finance

25 Fast Facts About The Federal Reserve You Need To Know

After the 100 year anniversary of the creation of the Federal Reserve , it is absolutely imperative that we get the American people to understand that the Fed is at the very heart of our economic pro…

The City of London (aka The Crown) is Controlling the World's Money Supply

The 'Crown' is not owned by the Westminster and the Queen or England. The City of London has been granted various special privileges since the Norman Conquest , such as the right to run its …

Big Banks Whistleblower: I Was Told To Sacrifice Children At An Illuminati Party

Ronald Bernard is a Dutch financial wizard who worked at the most secret level of global currency traffic. When he launched his career, he was warned to "put your conscience in the deep freeze.&…

List of REAL Assets That Hold Their Value Through Nuclear War, Social Chaos or Debt Collapse

How much of your money will only exist as a computer record on the day the global banking system fails? When you log in to your online banking account and view your account balance, do you really thi…

In A Cashless Economy, Your Money’s Never Idle Money

The global financial crisis opened the world’s eyes on how dependent we were on the big banks . Today, we could be held as much hostage to the banking system as we were before, if not much more. As s…

Bolivia Announces Complete Ban On Rothschild Owned Banks

Bolivia has followed in Hungary's footsteps and has kicked the Rothschild's banks out of the country. Bolivia has reclaimed its financial independence by not responding to financial pressure…

From the Monopoly Men to the PetroDollar Recycling System

"In May 1973, with the dramatic fall of the dollar still vivid, a group of 84 of the world?s top financial and political insiders met at Saltsjobaden, Sweden, the secluded island resort of the S…

Babylonian Money Magic Slave System or Ubuntu?

Imagine a world without money. At the moment the world is in the control of a handful of beings. They have created the Babylonian money magic slave system . This system has the power to control and …

How the Financial System is Being Used to Disempower Us

A way in which we can conceptualize the banking system is by imagining 100 people all being given $100 and as a result of this they are expected to pay back $110 at the end of the month. The only way…

$21,714 for Every Man, Woman And Child in the World – This Global Debt Bomb is Ready to Explode (And A SOLUTION)

According to the International Monetary Fund, global debt has grown to a staggering grand total of 152 trillion dollars. Other estimates put that figure closer to 200 trillion dollars , but for the p…

Rothschild Makes Dismal Admission — His Financial World Order Now 'Threatened'

RIT Capital Partners fund issued its 2016 year-end report in late February.  While the company was pleased to report a net profit of 12.1 percent and total shareholder returns hold at 14.2 percent, …

Former IMF Chief Sent to Jail As Spain Prosecutes 65 Elite Bankers in Enormous Corruption Scandal

In many other countries, excluding the United States, corrupt bankers are often brought to task by their respective governments. T he most recent example of a corrupt banker being held accountable co…

The True Reason Behind The 40-Hour Work Week & Why We Are Economic Slaves

( Anonhq ) Economic slavery, or wage slavery, refers to one’s total and immediate dependence on wages to survive. Although people throughout history have had to work to get by, we now live in a cultu…

Citibank Calls for Helicopter Money Drops Across Globe

A quietly panicking Janet Yellen and the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) decided the U.S. economy still isn’t ready for an interest rate hike last week and left the Fed funds rate at essentially…

3 Means of Waging Personal Financial Revolution Against the Banksters

The world is enslaved to an economic system designed to create tremendous power and wealth for those who own the system, while forcing the rest of us into mathematically insurmountable debt and the s…

Russia to Pass a Law Formally Dumping the U.S. Dollar

Russian President Vladimir Putin has introduced legislation that would deal a tremendous blow to the U.S. dollar.   by Michael Snyder If Putin gets his way, and he almost certainly will, the U.S. dol…

The Elite Have Prepared for the Coming Collapse – Have You?

By Michael Snyder Why are the global elite buying extremely remote compounds that come with their own private airstrips in the middle of nowhere on the other side of the planet? And why did they star…

The Russian Media is Talking About What May Come in September — The US Media is Silent

by Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream Why does the Russian media seem to be far more on the ball than the mainstream media in the United States much of the time? Could it be possible that Russ…

This One Question is the Most Important Question You Will Ever Ask Yourself

When I was a child, I seldom acknowledged limitation. Instead, I embraced my possibilities through extravagant imagination – the universe of film, television, and literary fiction being my oyster. In…

SeaWorld Sees Massive Profit Drop: Customers Boycott Whale Captivity

In 2013, the controversial documentary Blackfish was released. The film was almost like a psychological thriller about whales that are kept in captivity, describing how one whale alone was responsibl…
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