Trump Foundation settles with partisan NYAG’s office over ‘corruption’ while Clinton Foundation lawbreaking IGNORED

(National SentinelInjustice: New York Attorney General Barbara Underwood (D) gloated on Tuesday after news broke that the charitable Trump Foundation had agreed to a disbandment settlement imposed by her office, but all she really accomplished was proving that, once again, Americans exist in a two-tiered justice system.

As ABC News reported:

The Trump Foundation had previously sought to dissolve on its own terms but has now signed a stipulation that requires it to do so with monitoring by the court and oversight by the attorney general’s office, which must review and approve disbursements of remaining funds to make sure the recipients are legitimate. 

The attorney general’s lawsuit alleged that the president and his three eldest children, who served as members of the foundation’s board, repeatedly used charitable donations for personal, political and business gains, including legal settlements, campaign contributions and even to purchase a portrait of Trump to hang at one of his hotels.

“Today’s stipulation accomplishes a key piece of the relief sought in our lawsuit earlier this year,” Underwood said in a statement. “Under the terms, the Trump Foundation can only dissolve under judicial supervision – and it can only distribute its remaining charitable assets to reputable organizations approved by my office.”

In all, Underwood claimed, the alleged conduct “amounted to the Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.”

Really? Why would a billionaire businessman need to loot a charity worth a couple million dollars?

Meanwhile, earlier this month, a report in The Hill noted the details of a 2017 report on Clinton Foundation finances and disbursements by independent firms found “probable cause” to suggest that the organization defrauded taxpayers and misspent/misused funds:

As reported by The Hill‘s John Solomon, who has been tracking Clinton corruption since before the 2016 election, whistleblower evidence of potential tax fraud and other illegal activity by the foundation was given to both the IRS and the FBI in a 48-page filing dated Aug. 11, 2017. The filing is supported with 95 exhibits including internal legal reviews the foundation conducted in 2008 and 2011.

The filing was made by a private firm called MDA Analytics LLC, which is run by former federal criminal investigators and attached to 6,000 pages of evidence given to federal authorities more than a year ago. It suggests that the foundation could be liable for millions in delinquent taxes and associated penalties on donations amounting to more than $2.5 billion over the life of the organization.

During a hearing on Capitol Hill late last week, one of the analysts, Lawrence W. Doyle, testified:

“Misuse of donated public funds — the Clinton Foundation falsely attested that it received funds and used them for charitable purposes. Which was, in fact, not the case. Rather, the Clinton Foundation pursued an array of activities, both domestically and abroad. Some may be deemed philanthropic, albeit unimproved, while others much larger in scope are properly characterized as profit-oriented, and taxable undertakes of private enterprise, again, failing the tests of philanthropy referenced [previously]. 

The investigation clearly demonstrates the Clinton Foundation was not a charitable organization, per say, but point of fact was a closely-held family partnership. As such, it was governed in a fashion in which it sought in large measure to advance the personal interests of its principals.”

That would be Bill, Hillary, and Chelsea Clinton.

Solomon noted further:

The submission also cites an interview its investigators conducted with Andrew Kessel that quotes the foundation’s longtime chief financial officer as saying he was unable to stop former President Clinton from “commingling” personal business and charitable activities inside the foundation and that he “knows where all the bodies are buried.”

He told investigators “one of the biggest problems was Mr. Clinton’s commingling and use of business and donated funds and his personal expenses,” the whistleblower submission notes.

“There is no controlling Bill Clinton. He does whatever he wants and runs up incredible expenses with foundation funds,” says a separate interview memo that was attached to the submission.

“Bill Clinton mixes and matches his personal business with that of the foundation. Many people within the foundation have tried to caution him about this but he does not listen, and there really is no talking to him,” the memo continued.

This information has been available to federal agencies for more than a year, but it’s important to note that the address of the Clinton Foundation is 1633 Broadway, New York, NY, so this dubious “charity” is certainly within Underwood’s jurisdiction.

And yet, it’s the Trump Foundation that gets targeted.

Trump Foundation attorney Alan Futerfas accused Underwood’s office of “politicizing” the matter, as, no doubt, she has.

What today’s announcement by Underwood’s office clearly proves — again — that there are two systems of justice in America: One for the elites and one for everyone else.

Donald Trump may be a billionaire, but he’s obviously not an elite.

This comes as special counsel Robert Mueller’s persecution of anyone and everyone associated with the president is ongoing — as the real criminal elements (Comey, Clintons, McCabe, Strzok and Mueller himself) skate.

Leftists will continue to push this two-tiered system until Americans sickened and disgusted by it take to the streets with vengeance in mind, as the French “Yellow Vests” have done.

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