China vs. America: Communism vs. Democracy

by Frank Li

Despite her dramatic comeback over the past few decades, China remains essentially communistic (The People's Republic of China at Age 70). In contrast, America is becoming more and more democratic (Elizabeth Warren Calls for Ending Electoral College). Yet, China has been rising rapidly, while America has been declining precipitously. Why is that? Is communist China actually better democratic America?

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1. What is communism?

Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia - Communism.

In political and social sciences, communism (from Latin communis, "common, universal")[1][2] is the philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of the communist society, which is a socioeconomic order structured upon the common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and the state.[5][6]

The image below highlights my Loop Theory. It simply extends and truncates Karl Marx's model of societal development as follows:

Capitalism and socialism are in a loop, requiring balancing from time to time. Socialism, if poorly managed, may set us back to feudalism.

Capitalism and feudalism are also in a loop, requiring balancing from time to time.

Communism is so far away that it should be ignored as irrelevant.

2. What is democracy?

Democracy (Greek: ί dēmokratia, literally "rule by people") is a system of government where the citizens exercise power by voting. In a direct democracy, the citizens as a whole form a governing body and vote directly on each issue. In a representative democracy the citizens elect representatives from among themselves. These representatives meet to form a governing body, such as a legislature. In a liberal democracy the powers of the majority are exercised within the framework of a representative democracy, but the constitution limits the majority and protects the minority, usually through the enjoyment by all of certain individual rights, e.g. freedom of speech, or freedom of association.[1][2]

Here is my simple definition: one person, one vote.

The image blow illustrates my take on democracy.

Now, what about "modern" western liberal democracy - Is it really different from ancient Athenian democracy?

No, not in essence!

3. What is [western] liberal democracy?

Below is an excerpt from Wikipedia - Liberal democracy.

Liberal democracy is a liberal political ideology and a form of government in which representative democracy operates under the principles of classical liberalism. Also called Western democracy, it is characterised by elections between multiple distinct political parties, a separation of powers into different branches of government, the rule of law in everyday life as part of an open society, a market economy with private property and the equal protection of human rights, civil rights, civil liberties and political freedoms for all people. To define the system in practice, liberal democracies often draw upon a constitution, either formally written or uncodified, to delineate the powers of government and enshrine the social contract. After a period of sustained expansion throughout the 20th century, liberal democracy became the predominant political system in the world.

Below is my take.

For more, read: History 2.0 (Version 2).

Bottom line: Western [liberal] democracy is still democracy, and is thus doomed to fail, just like ancient Athenian democracy!

4. Communism vs. democracy

As a form of government and as an ideology, communism is better than democracy for one simple reason: communism is newer!

Specifically, communism is less than 200 years old, with mixed results (e.g. negative with the USSR, but positive with China), while democracy is more than 2,000 years old, a proven failure throughout history without a single example of lasting success success!

Is America a lasting success? No, it's not! Questionable at birth (What is The American Revolution, Anyway?), the 243-year-old country is being destroyed by western liberal democracy!

In contrast, with her dramatic comeback over the past four decades, China has not only re-established itself as an economic powerhouse in the world, but also proven to be arguably the greatest country in human history. Two facts:
China has the longest continuous civilization in human history.
Throughout human history, great civilizations have come and gone, with one major exception: China - come, almost gone, and come again.

5. Communism and China

China calls itself a "socialist country with Chinese characteristics". However, to many Americans, China is simply communist for two main reasons:
Most Americans make no difference between socialism and communism.
The ruling party in China is called the "Communist Party of China" (or CPC), which gives China-haters in America a convenient way to China-bashing.

Two important points:
China is not really communist per se. For more, read: "Communist China", Really?
Communism may not be as bad as many Americans believe, especially when compared with the brutality of American capitalism (American Capitalism Is Brutal. You Can Trace to the Planation) and the stupidity of American democracy (America: It's Democracy, Stupid!).

6. Democracy and America

America was founded as a republic, specifically precluding democracy. Two examples:
"We the People" in the original U.S. Constitution refers to everybody, except for the minorities, women, and even white men without [enough] property.
The establishment of the Electoral College as a safe-guard against the popular vote.

Why not a democracy (i.e. one person, one vote), with a simple majority rule?

Our Founding Fathers detested it!

Bottom line: The word "democracy" is not in the U.S. Constitution!

Unfortunately, America has morphed itself into a democracy (i.e. one person, one vote) over the past two hundred years. As a result, today, democracy is not only a fashionable word, but also a system many politicians want to take back!

7. Discussion

America is deeply in trouble. "We the People" simply do not know what to do, other than periodically casting our vote of "no confidence" to elect someone very different to be the President - first Barack Obama, then Donald Trump. Unfortunately, neither has worked out!

Why is that?

In contrast, China is coming back strongly, with no end in sight.

Why is that?

"It's state capitalism, stupid!"

Let's discuss three topics:
Socialism vs. capitalism.
Elections vs. governing.
Dictatorship vs. checks-&-balances.

7.1 Socialism vs. capitalism

Socialism without capitalism first has all but failed. Two prominent examples: the USSR and China under Mao (1949-1976).

Capitalism and socialism should co-exist, balanced by the government. For example, while capitalism creates extra-ordinary wealth for the able and lucky folks, socialism provides the less fortunate with a safety net, thus creating and maintaining a "harmonious" society, a governance principle long-endured throughout Chinese history and culture.

Bottom line: The challenge is to have a government balancing between capitalism and socialism, not arguing about just having one without the other, like many Americans do! For more, read: Societal Development: A Loop Theory.

7.2 Elections vs. governing

There are no elections in China (for leadership positions of any significance), but only selections. In other words, the CPC is in total control, selecting its own leaders at various levels, pretty much like a company staffs its management positions throughout the company. Because of that, most leaders in China are very competent, each with his or her own proven track record of accomplishments prior to a major career advancement.

In contrast, there are only elections in America, but no governing, thanks to "getting re-elected ad nauseam."

7.3 Dictatorship vs. checks-&-balances

In China, the CPC dictates everything.

What, then, is the CPC? It's like a private club, whose membership is not for sales, but tightly controlled by the "board", top-down from the politburo down to the provinces, to the cities, to the counties, and to the villages.

Is this system ideal?

No, not at all!

However, it's the best available, for China at least! For more, read: Towards an Ideal Form of Government (Version 3).

In contrast, there is little governance in America, foundationally - See image below. For more, read: Correctly Assessing Thomas Jefferson.

As a result, America's government leaders at all levels are consistently incompetent, who constantly require checks-&-balances. The worst has happened at the Presidential level, often with one President doing more damage to America than all of America's enemies have done, combined! For more, read: Three Worst American Terrorists: JFK, GWB, and BHO!

8. More discussion

I hated [Chinese] communism so much that I did everything possible to escape - I did, in 1982! For more, read: My American Dream Has Come True!

However, China has significantly changed over the past few decades. So have I, accordingly, with a new perspective of almost everything, from history (History 2.0 (Version 2)) to politics (The People's Republic of China at Age 70 and The U.S.A. Unmasked!).

Today, China likes capitalism, while sticking to communism (aka "socialism with Chinese characteristics").

America, on the other hand, continues to hate communism, while advancing in democracy, with one major presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, getting significant traction, especially after openly declaring himself to be a socialist!

Why is that?

As a matter of fact, American democracy looks more and more like [the old and bad] communism! Below are eight similarities between them.

Need more evidence that America is actually more communistic than China?

These strikes cannot possibly be allowed in China, because they are simply too communistic!

Bottom line: Governance is hard.

In America, we do not solve any big problems (e.g. race and religion), which have been with most nation-states over the past 2,000 years - We avoid them, thanks to our vast natural resources. Two examples:
Religion: They do not like our religion. So, let's move to Utah.
Race: If you do not like city violence, move to the suburbs.

As the country is filled up geographically, we have to face these big problems - Sooner is better than later!

In contrast, China got the basics for a great country right more than 2,000 years ago! The image below highlights the key difference between the Roman Empire and the Chinese Empire, which is the key reason why Rome was long gone while China has long endured. For more, read: History 2.0 (Version 2).

The image below highlights the key difference between the U.S. and China, in terms of governance.

Bottom line: It's increasingly obvious that China, as a country, is much older and wiser than America, which is a huge subject of another article for another day.

America, reform our failing political system, as I have suggested (American Democracy - Why is it failing & how to fix it?), or become a fiddle, second to China!

9. Closing

Communism is bad. But China is not communism per se, fortunately!

Democracy is bad. But America is becoming more and more democratic, which is communistic by definition, unfortunately!

Worse yet for America, it is practically more communistic than China in many aspects, such as the unions, especially the public-sector unions!

Worst of all for America, most Americans are utterly unaware of the reality or are simply in denial!

Now, please sit back and enjoy the long video below, which represents the latest and perhaps the best thinking out of China.

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