Showing posts with the label China

Behind the Second Modi-Xi Informal Summit, the Wuhan Spirit Is Fraying

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan Source Link The second informal summit between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to take place in Mamallapuram, a coastal tow…

High Expectations as China’s Xi Lands in Nepal

By Peter Gill Source Link Over the past week, Kathmandu’s streets have been transformed. Potholes have been fixed and whole roads repaved. An empty, trash-strewn lot was turned into a public park ove…

Russia Exports Its Missile Early-Warning Knowhow to China

By: Pavel Felgenhauer Source Link Russo-Chinese relations continue to improve (see EDM, July 25 , 30 ) as both countries’ ties with the United States have grown increasingly strained. Moscow and Beij…

Quantum USA Vs. Quantum China: The World's Most Important Technology Race

Paul Smith-Goodson Source Link Many analysts, researchers, politicians, and military leaders believe as I do - the United States has allowed China to take the lead in many areas of quantum research. …

China's stealth drones and hypersonic missiles surpass — and threaten — the U.S.

By Sébastien Roblin Source Link The celebration of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China at the beginning of this month promised plenty of pomp and power projection. …

Hong Kong Is the Latest Tripwire for Tech Firms in China

Source Link On Wednesday morning, Mark Kern sat down with his 12-year-old son to tell him the guild was breaking up. Kern had been involved with World of Warcraft from the very beginning—a game devel…

Stunning Huawei Confirmation—1 Million Cyberattacks Every Day

Zak Doffman Source Link China’s under fire Huawei is being attacked by more than just the U.S., says a company exec. The Chinese tech giant endures around a million cyberattacks per day on its comput…
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