How Mustard Gas from a Blown Up WWII Ship Gets Into the Veins of Cancer Patients

How many people ask their MD questions about chemotherapy? Have you ever wondered how such a toxic substance (so toxic that those who administer it must wear gowns and gloves) became the “standard of care” for cancer? The truth of its origin is as far away from a scientific laboratory as one could imagine!

In August of 1943, President Roosevelt approved the shipment of chemical munitions containing mustard gas to the Mediterranean theater. Two thousand mustard bombs were loaded onto the USS John Harvey. The ship was waiting to unload in Bari, Italy when German planes attacked on December 2, 1943.

The Geneva Protocol of 1925 prohibited the use of chemical and biological weapons. The Allies didn’t trust the Germans and both sides were secretly stockpiling mustard gas to prepare for retaliation.

Imagine the Allies surprise when the Luftwaffe (believed to be stretched too thin to attack) blew up the USS John Harvey, releasing 2000 mustard gas bombs (120,000 pounds) into the air and the bay, indiscriminately killing soldiers and civilians.

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