Clearing 3D Everything And Drawing NEW Earth Support Systems

BIG clearings moving through of 3D everything that may be limiting, that may be taking up space, that may be keeping DNA sleepy, that keeps the veils in place. 3D everything is what we’ve walked and talked and been conditioned to for this timeline and many others.

3D was the dial we set on our consciousness and it likes to stubbornly stick there. It is sticky because its very substance is about being STUCK… or at least the perception of being stuck, as energy is actually always moving, shifting, and changing.

This 3Dness has been in our every living cell. Ingrained and maintained by circumstances and situations that support its heart beat and life blood flowing. The 3D support system takes quite a lot of energy to maintain… this is what we are realizing more and more.

As a collective culture, it takes tremendous group consensus to keep 3D in place as the predominant reality, especially as Gaia ascends beyond it. It seems to take alliances with some fear-based Star BEings to create 3D control matrixes and programs that can keep so many from awakening. These star BEings just represent an aspect of each of us, trying on this role of suppressor and 3D drug dealer.

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