The Multidimensional Self: The Soul, OverSoul, and Beyond

Whether you know it or not, you are a multidimensional being of staggering proportions. You are more than meets the eye, much more — more than your body, more than your soul, in fact, you are an integral part of the Universe.

You are part of the composite consciousness that is the Universe and beyond!  You are present on many levels of reality simultaneously and more powerful than you have ever imagined.   Are you ready to expand your concept of selfhood to include higher selves, other/parallel selves, and probable selves? If so then, let's dive in!

Most of us are familiar with the idea of the soul — the conception that our bodies are transient physical vessels for an eternal energetic aspect of our consciousness, which is our true essence.  Conventional science dismisses this idea, and so do many people. 

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