Media Now ATTACKING Advocates Of 'Raw Water' Just Like They Attacked Raw Milk

In the age of President Donald J. Trump, the so-called “mainstream media” has gone full-on bonkers, logging a 90 percent negativity rate when it came to reporting on him and his administration.

90 percent. That’s nine-of-ten stories about Trump all being negative. And these idiots want us to believe their “neutral” and “fair-minded.” Mind you, Trump won the election because voters in a majority of states wanted him to be president. So how does that justify 90 percent negative coverage?

When the media isn’t jumping on the anti-Trump bandwagon, it reverts back to another well-worn pastime: Telling you and me how to live, especially if we chose a lifestyle the elitist schmucks in journalism don’t approve of.

That includes, say, buying, selling, and consuming raw milk, as we’ve documented in the past. Now, apparently, it also includes “raw water.”

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