Empath Fatigue – Is Your Compassion Wearing You Thin?

So, you know you’re an empath. You’re someone who feels other people’s feelings. You’re having these crazy emotional fluctuations all day when you’re around other people… only to heave a sigh of relief when you’re alone and things magically settle down.

Being an empath isn’t easy. For one, it takes a lot of time to get used to the idea, and ignore all the western “this is impossible” mental chatter. It took me quite a while for sure.

I remember once upon a time having a conversation with my mother about this. I’d observed that I very frequently had ideas at the exact same time that other people had them. How did I know that? Because I’d say something and someone else would say “I was just thinking that!”.

Then there were the occurences of feeling just fine, and then sitting next to someone and suddenly having e.g. a stomach ache out of nowhere.

Upon asking this other person, it would turn out that she actually had a very upset stomach herself, and had had it all day. Hmmm, interesting. Talking to a sad person, I’d become the one feeling sad. And so on.

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