Divide & Conquer and the Trap of Identification

Divide & Conquer is a term used to describe the ancient game of controlling all sides of a debate/ issue/ conflict and pitting the human groups involved against one another – not only to manipulate them into acting out in accordance with a specific result in mind, but to create the right emotional “loosh” frequency (energetic ‘food’ to be used as sustenance by hyperdimensional forces) whilst keeping humanity locked within a frequency prison of endlessly-repeating trauma cycles.

This model is the basic modus operandi of the hyperdimensional matrix control system that has been working through human civilizations for thousands of years.

The masses react mechanically (under the illusion of “free will”) to the problem/ reaction/ solution stimuli, subjected to interferences and manipulations of the occult forces who exist beyond their five-sensory perceptions while they remain distracted by the shadows projected onto the wall of their endarkened cave.

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