The Illusion of Time and Space

One of the perennial ideas of metaphysical and spiritual philosophies throughout the ages is the assertion that in the non-physical realms, where our higher selves exist, time as we know it does not exist — that our experience of linear time here in our physical reality is an ILLUSION.

Unfortunately, the ancients never quite explained how this was possible. Thankfully, in recent times, quite a few channeled higher dimensional beings have shared information about how this works, and in this article, I present a synthesis of their explanations.

The Perceptual Illusion of Time

Our experience of linear time is a perceptual illusion created by consciousness.  In fact, so is "space." Closely related to the idea of time is the notion of "linear causality" — the idea that A, causes B, which then causes C. The apparent causal relationship between events is also just a purely perceptual illusion — albeit a very convincing one.

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