
Meet the Programmed Higher-Self

Fear is not supposed to be in the form of an angry teacher telling you, “you are doing something wrong” or found guilty of something by the “good guy” in the mind commonly set up by any type of indoctrination involving right & wrong, good and bad.

The effect we have is that when people have fear, they believe that something is “wrong”, which causes even more fear, a double whammy.

This topic of wrong was created to overwhelm our focus of perception, effectively making the observer seek something which is always possibly wrong in a world of good and bad, and the observer is sure to see bad when it already has been acknowledged as something which is “unjustifiable and evil”, any negative we have in the world is so simply because these constructs have their power metaphysically where it is energized significantly.

The advent of opposition also successfully makes people attempt to actively strive to be a good person. Whole lives are spent living together with unconscious negativity after successful spell-casting has worked its trick, simply because the curse of yin and yang effectively keeps the dark and the light from merging by keeping consciousness entrenched in a framework of limited scope.

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