
Dump Dangerous Pots and Pans Laced With Cancer-Causing Chemicals

Nonstick pans and pots are the world’s most favorite cookware. They are easy to clean and don’t require a lot of oil to grease their surface. Many Americans, however, are unaware of the toxic dangers lurking in these nonstick coatings.

If you are already buying fresh, organic ingredients free of GMOs and chemicals, but are still using nonstick cookware, all attempts to limit health-damaging chemicals by buying organic foods are completely futile. Most cookware used today leach toxins right into the food serve our families daily.

Nonstick pots and pans are made of poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). When these compounds are heated, they release perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a carcinogenic chemical, into the food. Furthermore, many of the cheaper pots and pans are made of aluminum.

Compared to other metals, aluminum is a relatively soft metal that can easily flake off and contaminate food when heated.

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