1947: The Year that Changed Everything – 70 Years On

1947 was a year of infamy in terms of the New World Order agenda. 1947 was the time when profound events were taking place: the birth of the horrible US MIC (Military Intelligence Complex), the probable continuation of the Nazi regime and likely ET visitation.

As the year 2017 comes to an end, and we close out the 70 year anniversary of the year of 1947, it is worth briefly looking back on that momentous year at some of the events that transpired then which still have a profound effect on our world today.

1947: Operation Highjump

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water… no, I’m not referring to Jaws, but rather the US-UK-Australian military expedition led by Admiral Richard Byrd in January and February of 1947. He thought it would be safe to go down to Antarctica, but he was overpowered and beat a hasty retreat.

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