
The UN is Conquering America Through the Control of All Water

Do you remember when Detroit when bankrupt and former President Obama refused to intervene in order to help Americans in a beleaguered American city? This was both baffling and maddening to the American people.

After all, this “hope and change” President promised to fundamentally transform America. Little did we realize that the Detroit bankruptcy would open the floodgates to the total foreign control of American’s most precious resource, namely water, where the UN has gained a significant foothold in Detroit and its influence is spreading across the country.

When Obama refused to help Detroit’s bankruptcy and its ensuing water crisis, subsequent UN involvement was a portend of what was coming.

Today, we see California on the verge of extinction because of the effects of a profound water shortage and now a series of contrived fires in Northen California. Not to worry America, the United Nations has promised to intervene in all of America’s coming water crises.

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