The Microchipping Agenda is Running Exactly in Line With the Eradication of Cash

Technology as a whole has taken up a hugely disproportionate part of our lives in the modern age.

The would be useful tools — if used in a rational proportion — that showcase the ‘genius of man’ for all to see, have gripped the once dreaming minds of young and old alike and have disconnected us from one another on a scale which beggars belief. 

What an irony that in the age of prolific ‘communications advancement’ we have largely forgotten how to actually communicate with one another, human being to human being, without the pixilated and fiber — optic mediums situated in between and disconnecting us ever further from reality.

The modern human’s fascination with each new and sophisticated piece of high-tech wizardry leads them to unthinkingly accept each new ‘advancement’ as glaring proof that we are at the zenith of human evolution and the quaint sensibilities of generations gone by were a result of their people’s inferior intellects and insufficient technological prowess.

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