The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ

The Man Who Killed Kennedy: The Case Against LBJ

Storied political operative, DC insider and Trump confidante Roger Stone is the author (with Mike Colapietro) of The Man Who Killed Kennedy, a tour de force of allegations and evidence that pins much of the blame, logistics and political muscle of the 22 November 1963 assassination of US president John F. Kennedy on vice-president Lyndon Johnson’s broad Texan shoulders.

Stone paints VP Johnson as a uniquely unsavoury character (he is hardly alone in this) – a serial philanderer, a back-room hustler bathed in a withering degree of corruption, a “crude, corrupt, sadistic, unprincipled psychopath.”

Stone salaciously recounts innumerable sordid escapades, scams and a litany of alleged murders from Johnson’s lengthy and colourful career in politics.

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