Is Planet Earth Being Terraformed by Non-Humans?

Some things happening on planet earth today just don’t make sense if you’re looking at them from the perspective of an ordinary human being.

For one example, look at the amount of financial debt being accrued around the world. We’re talking trillions and trillions of dollars. It seems utterly cartoonish that human beings could owe this much money to other human beings. The numbers actually make more sense if consider that our creditors may actually be off-planet entities.

Take also for example, the widespread industrial scale destruction of the planet. The Athabasca oil sands project in Alberta, Canada, is a scorched earth endeavor so large it is being compared to the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Great Wall of China.

Mountaintop removal in the Appalachians, the end of the Amazon, such callousness about Fukushima… none of it makes sense.

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